Cain Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine is now known as Great Nature Oriental Medicine. This new name has great significance regarding the application of Chinese Medicine, which includes acupuncture, herbal prescriptions, massage, and mind-body exercises such as Taiji (Tai chi), to our daily lives, both in times of sickness, and more importantly, in times of health maintenance and sickness prevention. I will write more on the meaning behind the name change and the accompanying logo soon. For now, I'd really like to take the time to thank my wife for putting up with my seemingly never-ending mission to find a suitable name to represent my particular approach to this medicine. She was also part of the original logo design, an area where I truly needed her valuable input. I'd also like to thank my good friend and teacher Johnathan Lewis for converting the final logo into a suitable file type that I can use in many different aspects of my business, both online and offline.
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This page is intended to serve as a source for links to blogs and articles about acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine that both new and returning patients may find informative and/or entertaining. It is also where I will share information about the history, principles, and benefits of this awesome medicine. Archives
May 2023