Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine are effective at treating a very broad range of conditions, from allergies to heart conditions, and so much more in between. The link below will take you to an article written by a very highly-esteemed Western medical doctor who specializes in cardiology (the heart and its related systems). He mentions a particular patient with an irregular heartbeat, and how, even after a year of trying different medications, this condition was not brought under control until she started getting acupuncture treatments on a regular basis.
The Dr. also highlights the usefulness of acupuncture in treating a number of other cardiovascular conditions, namely chest pain and congestive heart failure, as well as the importance of smoking cessation via acupuncture and how this can to lead improved cardiovascular health. You can find the article here. Here is an even more detailed, but not all-inclusive, list of conditions that the World Health Organization recognizes that acupuncture can treat. If you have any questions about how acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine can help you, then please do not hesitate to contact me at 618-694-5189.
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May 2023